The best of Steeleye Span [Ljudupptagning]

By: Material type: MusicMusicPublisher number: Chrysalis | CHR 1467Language: English Publication details: Chrysalis p 1984Description: 1 grammofonskiva 33 v/m, stereoDDC classification:
  • 781.66
Other classification:
  • Yxng
Innehåll: Gaudete. All around my hat. Thomas the Rhymer. Alison Gross. Little Sir Hugh. Cam ye o'er frae France. Long Lankin. Gone to America. Let her go down. Black Jack Davy. Bach goes to Limerick
Item type Home library Collection Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Musik Luleå stadsbibliotek AV-media Plan 2 LP Pop/Rock Available 10571870002

Inspelad 1972-1980

Innehåll: Gaudete. All around my hat. Thomas the Rhymer. Alison Gross. Little Sir Hugh. Cam ye o'er frae France. Long Lankin. Gone to America. Let her go down. Black Jack Davy. Bach goes to Limerick

LP 4037