Searchin' for shakes [Ljudupptagning] : Swedish beat 1965-68

Material type: MusicMusicPublisher number: Amigo | AMLP 2004Publication details: Stockholm 1984Description: 1 grammofonskiva 33 v/m., mono 30 cmDDC classification:
  • 781.66
Other classification:
  • Yxnd
Innehåll: Musik av Namelosers, Steampacket II, Shakers, Merrymen with Boz, Mascots, T-Boones, Lea Riders Group, Lee Kings, Shanes, Shakemakers, Bootjacks, Cherry Stones, Tages
Item type Home library Collection Shelving location Call number Status Date due Barcode
Musik Luleå stadsbibliotek AV-media Plan 2 LP Pop/Rock Available 10454250009

Innehåll: Musik av Namelosers, Steampacket II, Shakers, Merrymen with Boz, Mascots, T-Boones, Lea Riders Group, Lee Kings, Shanes, Shakemakers, Bootjacks, Cherry Stones, Tages

LP 3951